I really struggled with finding what motivated and worked with my 4 year old, so I am hoping God gives me a pass on this one. If not, I am well versed and educated in the area of discipline. When Averie was 2 years old, I dragged my husband to a Love and Logic seminar. If you aren’t familiar with their theories and methods, I highly recommend checking them out. Click here to learn more about positive discipline methods.
Thus, not only is the time out removing them from the situation, but they connect the consequence (not being able to participate) with the crime (whatever it may be). We also limit the time out for age in minutes (2-year-old time out for 2 minutes). Time out isn’t the only discipline we use, but it seems to be the most effective. Disciplining is tough because all children are different, and sometimes certain consequences don’t work….but it’s always best to be consistent whatever your method(s) may be.
Sue@House Pretty says
Well, I can finally say, after 5 YEARS, that my husband and I are both on the same page with disclipline. Our daughter is vey strong willed, and has a bad temper. Oh, add to that, very moody. I don’t “coddle” her, and I don’t count to three. Because, basically, if I have to count to three, that means she has disobeyed 3 times! I expect her to obey the first time, and if not, I explain how her behavior is not appropriate, and not welcome in our home, that we don’t behave that way, and give her a time out if needed. My husband is now following along with my method, and she has “come a long way”, praise God! I am very stict, but very fair, and after seeing so many poorly behaved children, I wouldn’t do it any other way.
Glamorous Mommy says
Sue, sometimes you have to use the “tough love” technique. Children do not understand that you’re disciplining them because you love them, so it will all pay off in the end! Keep up the good work π
Jelli says
I could definitely use a few tips in this area. My baby’s nearly 15 months and we’re seeing more and more the need for discipline in her life. Visiting you from the Sunday Sync.
Glamorous Mommy says
Hey Jelli! So glad you stopped by! The best thing to remember is be persistent and re-direct their attention to a specific toy or activity. This worked well with my son and I’m attempting with my daughter! Best of luck to you! I’d love for you to join us again!
Desirae @ Going with the Flow says
My toddler is 15 months. And in the past month he has become a handful, getting in to all kinds of stuff, he “knows” he shouldn’t. He has started doing it to get our attention. To punish him, we remove him from the situation with a stern “no”. If he continues to do it, while looking at us for attention, we give him a “pop” on the hand, which is really just a tap on his hand. We continue to remove him from the situation, and sit down with him, tell him that its not for him, and usually offer his milk or juice or maybe his toys.
Glamorous Mommy says
Thanks for your input Desirae! My 19 month old does things she knows she shouldn’t and then immediately looks at me for my reaction. No matter what it is she’s done, I remain calm but let her know she shouldn’t do it again. Seems to be working, so far! Hope to see ya again next week π
Alvina Castro says
Hi there! Here from the Blog Hop! New follower! You can find me at http://theresmagicoutthere.blogspot.com/ Happy holidays!
discipline: I think this begins at a really young age just that the forms of discipline change as the child grows. But this is a tough subject
Glamorous Mommy says
You’re right! And what works for one doesn’t always work for another.. Thanks so much for stopping by!
Evelyn says
Just dropping in from Let’s Get Social Sunday and it’s been so long since I have had to discipline children almost forgot the trials I went through. I am so glad in this day and age, young moms have such an awesome meeting place to discuss and share the joys and trials of raising little ones.
Now following via GFC (because I have grandchildren, lol)
Glamorous Mommy says
Thanks so much Evelyn!
Anne @ Domesblissity says
Following you from the Let’s Get Social Sunday party. Nice to meet you!
Anne @ Domesblissity (Australia)
Glamorous Mommy says
Thanks for stopping by all the way from Australia π
Christin Theiss says
I love your blog & The idea of the blog ! I’m a new follower, found you on a blog hop! Hope to keep in touch Happy Holidays! <3 Christin
Glamorous Mommy says
Thanks so much Christin π Have a Happy New Year!