I really struggled with finding what motivated and worked with my 4 year old, so I am hoping God gives me a pass on this one. If not, I am well versed and educated in the area of discipline. When Averie was 2 years old, I dragged my husband to a Love and Logic seminar. If you aren’t familiar with their theories and methods, I highly recommend checking them out. Click here to learn more about positive discipline methods.
Thus, not only is the time out removing them from the situation, but they connect the consequence (not being able to participate) with the crime (whatever it may be). We also limit the time out for age in minutes (2-year-old time out for 2 minutes). Time out isn’t the only discipline we use, but it seems to be the most effective. Disciplining is tough because all children are different, and sometimes certain consequences don’t work….but it’s always best to be consistent whatever your method(s) may be.