So this week we got the very exciting news that we will be having a little GIRL! My best friend, Amanda went with me to the doctors and I think we were both shocked when the ultrasound technician told us 🙂
I’ve been so excited about this pregnancy and was really hoping it would be a girl, but I didn’t want to be disappointed if it was a boy, so I kept the chances 50/50. My husband and my four year old son were deteremined it was a boy, so they were both shocked to get the news!
I have been busy beginning the preparation of designing her bedroom! I can’t wait to start putting everything together! Of course with a girl comes a lot of pink, but I’m ok with that! I have found some great pieces that I really like and will look great together. I will start adding pics and websites of the great deals I find in the future 🙂
Since just having the wedding, we will be doing the babies room on a budget! But I am optimistic it will turn out gorgeous!
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