I seriously feel like time is just absolutely flying by us! My kids are growing up so quickly and my husband and I will be celebrating 10 years together in a few months.
It’s so cliche, when you’re young, people tell you to enjoy being young while you can because it will fly by. Well let me tell ya, it does!
In between, taking the kids to school, extracurricular activities, birthday parties, doctor visits, sleepovers, housework, grocery shopping, working, and anything else you might do in a days work, time is moving on, the kids are growing up and you’re growing older.
It’s kind of a scary thing to think about really, but all the more of the reason you should live your life being HAPPY, all the time!
Being happy, positive and optimistic (even in tough times) is something I want to teach my kids! What a great outlook they will have on life!
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