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One of my favorite ways to add character to any room is fresh flowers! You can seriously never go wrong! My style is to decorate mostly with neutrals so adding pops of color naturally just brings my space alive!
I have a love for all flowers! They’re each so beautiful in their own way. My favorite to use around this time of the year are tulips! Tulips are dainty and delicate, but so beautiful! I love photographing and admiring them when I first put them into water because they’re drooped over somewhat lifeless, but it’s really an alluring trait about them!
You don’t have to have a special touch to create a classic arrangement. I honestly just love going to the supermarket and gathering a bunch of flowers of similar color. Some classic flowers go better together than others, but mixing it up makes it fun and fresh! Pictured, I mixed tulips, blush roses and babies breath. Not your typical combination, but I’m loving it!
And if you’re looking for a sweet printable to add to your decor for Valentine’s Day, you’re in luck! I’m sharing this free “bee mine” printable! See instructions below to download! It’s so simple, but so lovely!
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Happy October + A Free Printable
You guys… it’s October! Can you believe it? Is it just me, or is time just whizzing by us? I have to tell you though, October is one of my favorite months! I celebrate my Wedding anniversary mid-month and the Fall colors are full of charm! I love creating printables and adding them to my decor for instant character. With that said, I’ve created a simple one to share with you today!
Two versions available: one with maroon leaves and the other with brown leaves.
To save and print, right click the image and “save image as” and print from your downloads!
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Love Your Life ♥
Do you ever catch yourself complaining about your current situation, realizing it’s really not even anything to complain about? Naturally, it’s something we all do. When you think about it, it’s really quite unfortunate. I don’t want to complain about my life, because I am blessed to have the life I do, just like all of you out there. My life is not extravagant, but I don’t need for anything. I have a happy, blessed marriage, two beautiful, amazing children, a wonderful, supportive family, a beautiful, safe home and many more things I could continue to name. This past week has been one unlike any other during my 26 years. I had a bad fall and severely sprained my ankle. It was quite the recovery, sitting around feeling hopeless, not able to cook dinner for my family, clean up after my kids, let the dog out… But, if I learned anything from that experience, it’s to be grateful for what you have, if you’re not happy, do something to make your situation better! Love your life ♥Enjoy this freebie printable! Right click and save to your desktop and print from there. I plan on framing this and adding it to my gallery wall in my office ♥
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The Secret to Success ♥
One of the things we all strive for in life is to be successful, right? No matter what it is you’re trying to be successful at, you want to master it, to come out on top! I came across the beautiful quote in a book, and it really just stuck with me! So much so, that I had to turn it into a printable and share it with you all, of course!
I love it and I hope you do too! I can’t wait to frame it and put it in my office! Please be sure to check out the image source on the bottom picture, she shares her beautiful watercolor art for everyone to enjoy!
** Side note: Although it appears light gray, the printable background is white and will appear white on download! **
{ Cheers! }
Tomorrow is the last day of 2013! Where has time gone, my goodness!
How will you be celebrating the new year? If you’re still in the search for some party inspiration, be sure to check out my Fab Pins of the Week from Friday! You will swoon over the gorgeous ideas!
My theme for ringing in this New Year’s is gold and all that sparkles! Today I have the pleasure of sharing with you a printable for you to display as part of your decor!
To print, simply right click on the image, click “save image as”, save the image to your desktop computer and print it that way. I have had some viewers have a problem with clarity issues in the past doing it this way, but this is the way that I do it and I have never had any issues!
I hope that you enjoy! And cheers to a beautiful, blessed New Year!
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{ Although It’s Been Said… Free Printable! }
Call me old fashioned, but I turn on Christmas music the first of November and I find myself humming it throughout the Holiday season! I love it, even though people may think I’m nuts, it makes me happy 🙂 I caught myself continuously singing one specific song tonight and decide to make a printable out of it!
What is your favorite Christmas song? Mine is probably Silent Night, I remember singing it to my Great, Great Aunt Alta when I was just a little girl every Christmas!
To download, simply right click the image and click “save as” to save to your desktop and print from there!
Thanks so much for stopping by and if I don’t get the chance to tell you, Merry Christmas!
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{ Kitchen Art Printable }
I tend to update my kitchen art often.
I don’t know what it is, but I love changing it up!
With that in mind, I’ve created this cute little, retro-style kitchen printable with numerous design options.
You can easily print and frame this printable for you to enjoy in your kitchen or to give as a gift!
To save the image, simply right click and save to your computer and print it out from there. If you have problems with clarity doing it this way, please let me know and I will do my best to fix it!
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Image sources:
colander line art wikipedia
whisk image
mason jar image
{ First Day of School Printable }
Yes, I love to take the cheesy pictures of my kids holding signs for a special occasion!
I think it’s adorable and I know I will look back and smile when I’m older 🙂
If you’re one of those Mom’s too, I’ve created a cute little printable for the first day of school!
Print it out, frame it and have your little ones pose with excitement! One the first day of school, I make a special breakfast, whatever my little guy requests! I’m going to miss my little man so much when he goes back to school next week, but he’s excited to go! I hope all your little ones have a wonderful school year!
Instead of downloading the image, simply right click on the image and save it to your computer and print it out that way. I find that’s the easiest way and I never have a problem with clarity. However, if you do have a problem with the printable being blurry at all, please let me know!
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{ Be Happy Now }
I seriously feel like time is just absolutely flying by us! My kids are growing up so quickly and my husband and I will be celebrating 10 years together in a few months.
It’s so cliche, when you’re young, people tell you to enjoy being young while you can because it will fly by. Well let me tell ya, it does!
In between, taking the kids to school, extracurricular activities, birthday parties, doctor visits, sleepovers, housework, grocery shopping, working, and anything else you might do in a days work, time is moving on, the kids are growing up and you’re growing older.
It’s kind of a scary thing to think about really, but all the more of the reason you should live your life being HAPPY, all the time!
Being happy, positive and optimistic (even in tough times) is something I want to teach my kids! What a great outlook they will have on life!
Background not created by me, source unknown.
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Make Today Wonderful…
Here’s a little mid-week inspiration! I came up with this quote last week and loved it so much I made a printable to share with you all 🙂 I hope you enjoy!
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