Do you give back during the Holiday season? I think it’s so important to teach my kids the importance of giving back to those in need. Something we look forward to doing each year is filling the O.C.C (Operation Christmas Child) Boxes from our Church. You have the choice to chose the age group and gender of the child you’re providing for. We do the age group that our kids are that year, so this year we did a 6 six old boy and a one-two year old girl.
Here’s a list of the items we added to our shoe boxes:
{ Boy }
- Wet wipes
- Tissues
- Hair and body wash
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- 6 pack of mechanical pencils
- Jump rope
- Toy Story puzzle
- Child’s book of Prayers
- Christmas flip book
- Small stocking
- 48 pack of crayons
{ Girl }
- Wet wipes
- Tissues
- 12 pairs of socks
- Hair and body wash
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Bath sponge
- First Bible book
- Christmas flip book
- Small stocking
- 12 pack of large crayons
As we filled the shoe boxes, we prayed for the children who would receive them and my son told me how much fun he had doing this. Made my heart smile 🙂