Lola and Scarlet are here to welcome you to our Fall front porch!
Call me crazy, but I always decorate our front porch early, early! I even had a couple people walk by and tell me it was too early. To each their own! The moment I spotted pumpkins at the local farm market, I was dragging them home to dress up the porch! So you guessed it, I’m sharing our Fall front porch with you all today!
This year, I have been swooning over maroon. I just can’t seem to get enough of it! Whether it be adding in little bits to my home decor, my nails or even my outfit! I bought two of the fullest mums at a local farmers market. With those acting as my focal point for the design, I came across a pretty Fall hydrangea wreath at Jo Ann’s. I headed home and couldn’t wait to get started on my design!
I thought the light orange-colored pumpkins paired perfectly with the pretty warm tone of the maroon! I began stacking pumpkins, adding a little bit of straw here and there, and soon enough I came up with the perfect layout! I was even able to incorporate my summer fern into the mix! My trusty crocks donned the fern and mum effortlessly!
The porch may get a little re-arranged later this season. I typically like to add some corn stalks, but we may wait closer to Halloween for that 😉
Thanks for stopping by friends!
See you next time 🙂
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