- Buy a training potty and create some excitement about it! Don’t push using it quite yet, we kept it in the kids bathroom so she saw it every time she brushed her teeth and took a bath. I let it peak her interest and use it when she was ready.
- Let them go bare butt! I’m sure some won’t agree with this, but it worked like a charm. No rushing to pull down undies in time and they won’t like peeing on themselves.
- Put the training potty in a place that you spend most of your time, like the living room or playroom,etc. We spend the majority of our time in our living room, so I put a towel down on our tile near the fireplace and kept the potty there at all times. This is what really sparked her using it! When she had the urge to go, she just ran right to it and then just went back to playing or whatever she was doing before!
- Reward them for using the potty successfully! Whether you use a potty chart, give them a sticker every time they go potty or even a small treat will excite them!
- Introduce underwear! She was so excited when we went to the store and I let her pick out her big girl undies! Buy at least two packs, you will thank me later 😉
- After a little time, start to move the potty closer each day to the actual bathroom. Our half bath is on the other side of the house, so it was a long way for her to make it when she was just getting used to using the potty! Now she makes it there with no problem 🙂
- Encourage using toilet paper every time after going potty for little girls and the use of a cleansing cloth after going “no.2” for both boys and girls. Encouraging and enforcing good, clean potty habits are something they will use the rest of their life!
Long story short, the wipes encourage good, clean potty habits and that keeps everyone happy 🙂
I can honestly say after using many different brands of toilet paper, Cottonelle is the best overall! It is soft, strong and affordable!
Head to Walmart and snag yours today! But, before you go, be sure to print off your coupon! Also, when you purchase both items in the month of February (toilet paper and cleansing wipes) from Walmart, you will receive a $5 Vudu offer, woot woot! You can get more information by going to: www.DRVSusa.com/cottonellemovies
“This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Cottonelle but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #CtnlCareRoutine http://cmp.ly/3/8vNxcO”